Overcoming Obstacles

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Obstacles are the essence of any problems in life. A successful life means the obstacles you have faced have been overcome. However, what if you are not ready to face them? What if you face them but you couldn’t overcome them? These are questions that everyone faces. It isn’t new to face any insecurities or vulnerabilities as everything in life has them. Pursuing a good career has such problems, and with that, obstacles. Keeping a good average or grade in school can be one of the main factors in achieving the career you want. It is an upmost part of life that everyone strives for. Even so, not everyone acquires it. In this instance, grades become an obstacle of life which you could choose to fight for or chose to give up. It is not easy nor is it something you can say you will and forget about it. I myself had such a dilemma, yet I chose to fight. I reviewed the material, studied hard for tests and made many guiding notes. Now I have straight A's in all my classes and have overcome the obstacle. This has given me strength and a determined mind set. Most importantly it has given me a path towards success, a path towards the career of my choice. …show more content…

Sometimes the career of your choice isn’t really your choice at all. Everyone thinks they know what is best for you but sometimes they don’t understand that what is best for you is for you to decide. Everything that you do is going to affect you and not them. Your mother might tell you to be a doctor, your father might tell you to be a engineer, your friends might tell you to be an accountant along with them. But ignore all that. You are the puppet master of your life. Like controlling a limb of a puppet, you control your decisions. You become confident and mature and take the reins of your

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