Outline On Pygmalion

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Attention Getter/Hook: “Pygmalion gazed in amazement, burning with love for what was in likeness a body” (1104). Those were the words of Ovid, a man with the ability to represent a poem with meaning.
Background Information: The captivating tone and style of Ovid illustrates the struggle between two different relationships. Pygmalion struggles with the obsession of his ivory statue that was created to personify his perfect women. In the progress of sculpting the women an attraction begins to grow toward the statue. Myrrha also struggles with her feelings which she has developed for her father. After attempts to ignore these immoral feelings her deep love for her father overrules and ends up sleeping with her father.
Thesis statement: Ovid’s …show more content…

Supporting Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence: Love is the principal theme in Ovid’s Book X [Pygmalion].
Supporting information (comprehensive notes, not entire paragraph): The story of “Pygmalion”, illustrates an obsessed artist yearning for an ideal love. Expressing unreal expectations of love is shown through Pygmalion’s admiration for his ivory statue. Unnatural love is found within Myrrha’s fondness for her father. The attempt to vanish the immoral feelings were not resolved as the desire for her father expands.
Quotes you think you will want to use (do not forget page number so you can find them later):
“Gave it a figure better than any living women could boast of” (1104)
“Wretched am I, who hadn’t the luck to be born there, injured by nothing more than mischance of location!” …show more content…

Transition sentence: As for the next theme, imagination vs reality is represented. Supporting Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence: In addition, imagination vs reality is seen as a reoccurring theme.
Supporting information (comprehensive notes, not entire paragraph): In the beginning of the story, Pygmalion illustrates a piece of art through his imagination. His growing love for the statue ultimately brings it to life. The transforming relationship between imaginations to reality is portrayed through the sculpture that Pygmalion created. At this point, his ideal love of a women became real. Myrrha, in the other hand, was seen as deceiving her father in order to gain his love.
Quotes you think you will want to use (do not forget page number so you can find them later):
“He seeks to win its affections with words and with presents”. (1104)
“In a crime against nature which she repeated the following night and thereafter.” (1009) Conclusion should be a synopsis of the information given above. Closing

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