Our Privileged Society: Equal Opportunities for Education

675 Words2 Pages

Our world has been created by people, and by interactions between people, making everything from law to how we greet each other socially constructed. We would like to believe that everyone has the same privileges in life, and that the economic class one is born into will not affect ones future. We like to believe that our school system provides equal opportunities for everyone and that our justice system is fair. Through the research of Stephen Richer and Laureen Snider we find our society may privilege or favour some people over others. Our education system allegedly provides an equal opportunity to all members of society to reach their potential. The research by Richer, particularly in elementary school, leads us to believe that this is not essentially the case. Our school system has a “hidden curriculum” that produces an inequality between the middle and lower class as well as men and woman. When a child enters a school environment they are required to adhere to a set of values proposed by the teacher and classroom environment. This school environment is competitive, teachers r...

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