Otto Bell's Documentary, The Eagle Huntress

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Imagine wanting to do something so badly that you would do anything to achieve it. Now think about how you would feel if everyone around you was telling you that you couldn't follow your dream. This is how Aisholpan feels. In Otto Bell´s documentary, The Eagle Huntress, Aisholpan is trying to break gender barriers and become an eagle huntress. She has been mesmerized by eagles from a young age and is determined to become the first eagle huntress in Mongolia. She has to face her elders who don´t think that a thirteen-year-old girl should be hunting on the steppe. Aisholpan does not let anyone stand in the way of her dreams. Throughout the documentary, Aisholpan demonstrates many positive character traits including being brave, capable, and caring. These traits help her reach her goal of becoming an eagle huntress. …show more content…

When she climbs down the cliff to capture her eaglet she is being extremely brave. She is only tied in by a small rope that her father is holding and she was really high off the ground. She almost falls, but she eventually makes it to the nest and gets her eaglet. It also takes bravery to enter the Golden Eagle Festival. Many people do not want her to enter because of her age and gender. She ignores them and wins! The bravest thing Aisholpan does is hunting for a fox in the mountains. The conditions are harsh and she has to face many dangers. The snow is very deep and it's extremely slick. It isn't uncommon for horses to fall off the side of cliffs. This extremely risky journey displays Aisholpan´s

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