Oskar Schindler's List Essay

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The year is 1939, and the world is witnessing the rise of great evil. Germany and her leader, Adolf Hitler. Sadly, Hitler despised a group of people called the Jews. This madman said that they backstabbed Germany in WW1, causing their defeat. Sadly, Hitler had the support of his people, and the result was the Holocaust. Here, over 6 million men, women, and children, three-quarters of the Jewish population in Europe died in various concentration and labour camps. Amongst the darkness, one candle can spark a whole new beginning.

The movie I am doing is Schindler’s List, a movie about hope, courage and the will to live.

The main characters in this movie are Oskar Schindler, his assistant Itzhak Stern, and the evil Amon Goeth. The story takes place in Krakow, occupied Poland, from the start until the end of WW2.

Schindler’s List is a 1993 movie about the Holocaust. This fantastic movie was …show more content…

After WW1, Schindler joined the Nazi party in 1939 and became a successful businessman. After the blitzkrieg of Poland, Schindler moved to the city of Krakow, which had a large population of Jews. After the Krakow ghetto was liquidated, the remaining Jews were sent to a newly constructed labour camp, a sight that scarred him. After the liquidation, he bribed officials to let him take more Jews outside of the camp to let them work in his factory to make pots and pans. After the war, Schindler has saved over 1000 Jews and spent over 1 million dollars bribing officials and buying food for his workers. Consequently, he was bankrupt after WW2 and received funds from the Schindler Jews he has saved. In 1963, he received the Righteous Among the Nations Award, an award given to people who have helped Jewish people in WW2. Sadly, on October 9, 1974, Schindler died of a heart attack at the age of 66 and was buried at Mount Zion, the most prestigious cemetery in Israel as the only Nazi member in the

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