Original Sin: Built-In Law Of Failure

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Original sin refers to the biblical fact that every person born of human parents inherits a sin nature which, in essence, is a built-in law of failure that makes it impossible for a person to please or serve God. Sometimes original sin is referred to as "total depravity," which does not mean that a person is as bad as he can be, but rather a person is as bad off as he can be. In other words, a person's inherited sin nature separates him from God and results in his being under God's judgment, rather than in good standing with God. The parents of the human race Adam and Eve did not start off in this state. Rather, they were created without a sin nature and in the image of God Himself: "Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our …show more content…

The key questions involved here include, "What is sin?" and "What does it mean to inherit sin?" First, sin is defined as anything that falls short of God's perfect standard or glory. Romans 3:23 reads, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." It is also defined as breaking or transgressing the law of God, since John wrote, "Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness" (1 John 3:4). (Biblestudytools.com) Our sins include both sins of omission and sins of commission. Sins of omission are sins we commit due to our failure to do something we should. For example, instead of standing for something that is right, we remain silent. Sins of commission are sins we actively commit. When we tell a lie, we actively sin. Both types of sin fall short of God's glory. Second, what does it mean to inherit sin? The word inherits refers to receiving something passed down from one generation to the next. In contrast to the idea that people are born neutral and without the stain of sin, Scripture indicates we are born with a sin nature that is inherited from our parents and their parents before

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