Orgsync And The Community

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How did you contribute to the group? What did you do, specifically? Our group volunteered to explore SORC (Student Organization Resource Center) and the benefits it offers not only to transfer students but overall student life. I contributed to the group by examining “OrgSync” and how it looks to connect students to organizations, communicate with other members, and explore their community. Orgsync is an essential part of SORC because it assists students find new organizations to join based on their interest. Many times students are just shocked at the amount of organizations that UMD has and they aren’t able to prioritize the organizations they want to get involved in. Orgsync allows for students to search up the vast organizations based …show more content…

During first look fair I heard, look up organizations in Orgsync it can help you get connected with the specific organizations that you might want to visit at first look fair. I never paid attention to Orgsync and now that I have did my research on the site I understood that this is a very beneficial site for the student body and how it can get students connected to organizations that peak their interest. Being futuristic and restorative I started to look at how Orgsync can benefit our T2T organization and class. For transfer students, their main problem is how they should get involved; it’s much easier said than done because the shock of being in a new environment is its own challenge. UMD offers a vast amount of organizations for students to join but students don’t know which ones to join, Orgsync simplifies that by condensing the large quantity of organizations based on the student’s interests, so it would be easier for students to join SORC. Than I thought that this site can be really beneficial for out T2T class, because for our social media posts we have to create a Facebook account and post pictures through that and after we are done with the class many will deactivate their Facebook if their sole purpose of making it was for the class. Instead we can use Orgsync as a means for social media post that can organize the class into sections such …show more content…

As team members we understood one another's abilities and trusted one another with the task handed too us. All of us where capable of giving the presentation all by our self since there was an ample amount of resources that SORC has to offer to students. But we divided up the topics evenly throughout the group so that no one felt left out. There was balance between the distribution of responsibility for ever member so the workload wasn’t on one person. The overall outcome of the project was that we learned a lot about SORC and how before SORC the clubs never really used the place very efficiently and it was just a space in the stamp that wasn’t used to its full potential. We got to know about the various special effects in SORC such as the “white noise”. Also the items that are in SORC are very unique, the circle table is a one of a kind piece and the underneath the stools are signatures of certain individuals. What I found about my group is that we were well-coordinated, because soon after we were done meeting up with Ashley we started a google doc PowerPoint and we all knew the part we were assigned to

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