LPI Analysis: Leadership Practice Inventory

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Organizational Leadership Module 3
Leadership Practice Inventory Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI) is an assessment on leadership behaviors and activities. During the analysis, it covers five behaviors; challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, encouraging the heart. I first conducted the LPI assessment on myself, to analyze my own leadership strength and weakness. If on the LPI behavior I scored high then I am doing well, if I scored low then I need more practice. The outcome of the LPI for the behavior of challenging the process I scored low. Then on inspiring a shared vision, I scored high. On enabling others to act I scored high. Modeling the way I scored low and encouraging the heart, I scored high. Therefore my strengths of leadership are inspiring a shared vision and encouraging the heart. My weaknesses are challenging the process and modeling the way; however for my enabling other to act I was moderate. I chose four different people to take the LPI about me. The first a family member, I received a high score on challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, encouraging the heart. According to my father, I have no weaknesses, but there is always room for improvement. The second person was a …show more content…

I do lack time management. I have acknowledged that I do better when my time managing and organization is in order. I have also found that I dedicate all of my time and energy for other people and leaving no time for myself. I love self-help books, but have no time to read them. I often distance myself, from my family, and friends, because I have no time. People have called me cynical, and by observing my LPI score from others who surveyed my leadership, I agree. I feel that I am cynical because I am unhappy. How can I become a better leader when my optimistic performance and energy is

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