Operation Just Cause

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Operation Just Cause lasted a little more than a month and would be noted as being one of the shortest armed conflicts the United States would ever be involved in. Broken communications came from the U.S. employing individuals who resided in Panama. These individuals would work with the U.S. Government to help provide information on neighboring countries that the United States was having issues with. The use of paid informants has been used for a long time by the United States. The technique of using paid informants has paid off, but has also had a negative impact that may turn into something the U.S. Government might otherwise regret. One of these individuals was a corrupt individual known as Manuel Noriega. Noriega resided in Panama which was a neighboring country to Nicaragua and at the time the U.S. was at conflict with. The government enlisted the help of Noriega to spy on and provide information about Nicaragua. After years of working with Noriega he would turn on the U.S. government and prove to be a potential threat to the U.S. as he rose in power in the Panamanian Government. Noriega began moving up in the local government and had begun working with some of the same individuals he was paid by the U.S. to provide information on. Noriega would begin working with drug lords in various ways to advance his cause which was taking over and running Panama as president. He was funded by and worked for these organizations in various was. Noriega was eventually tried, charged and found guilty of racketeering, drug trafficking and money laundering. After repeated attempts to persuade Noriega to change his ways the U.S. government had no choice but to remove Noriega forcefully, this led to the invasion of Panama. Hi... ... middle of paper ... ...the form of oppositions but the need to train soldiers has got to be at the top of our list no matter what we do. We as leaders must continuously look for ways to challenge our subordinates and ensure they have the experience in dealing with tough issues. The soldiers under us must be pushed every day to face tough decisions and make decision on how to navigate those tough decisions. Works Cited The Office of The Secretary of Defense. Joint Military Operations Historical Collection . Progressive Management, July 15, 1997 . Morrison Taw, Jennifer. Operation Just Cause-Lessons for Operations Other Than War. Santa Monica Ca., Nov 14, 1996 R. Cody Phillips. Operation Just Cause-The Incursion into Panama. The Government Printing Office, September 1, 2004 Yates, Lawrence. The U.S. Military Intervention in Panama. WWW.Militarybookshop.CompanyUK, March 1, 2011

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