Online Dating Paper

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Through the literature review this research was able to uncover several stunning facts explaining why more than 50 billion people are using Tinder’s online dating application (Biltonoct, 2014). Research even suggests that a typical Tinder user spends ninety minutes a day on Tinder swiping through matches (Biltonoct, 2014). This leads the research to believe that Individuals are lead to use online dating applications like Tinder because of the high number of users already participating in online dating. One of the reasons why over 50 billion people turn to online dating is because of the positive perspective individuals have towards online dating. Research found that online and traditional daters have a more positive perspective …show more content…

L., Ellison, N. B. & Lai, C., 2011). Self disclosure is one of the most important element in starting a relationship because it reduces uncertainty about potential matches who at the beginning are just strangers. Uncertainty Reduction Theory explains that the more we self disclose the less uncertainty we have about others (Griffin, 2014). Self disclosure also provides daters the ability to predict the their matches, behaviors and find commonalities between daters. Research shows that online daters disclose four times as much information in the online setting than with traditional dates. This makes online dating a more effective strategy to achieve a long lasting interpersonal relationship in just a short amount of time. Although the online dating experience is rated less satisfying than traditional forms of dating, online dating has been proven to be more successful, by creating long lasting relationships in a shorter amount of time (Rosen, …show more content…

These reasons include: online dating is perceived more positively than traditional dating, the users ability to embellish online dating profiles are more effective and relationships develop faster online than traditional dating. To help answer the “so what” question we specifically focused on the purpose to gain an interpersonal relationship via the internet, and agency, Tinder’s application. We also found that online dating proves to be an effective way of dating, but also showed that online dating is primarily used to avoid uncertainty among

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