Online Dating

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When authors write a book or essay, they often use forms of literature to emphasize certain points. Literary devices help authors to express major ideas and better explain what their main purpose of the work is. When an author uses repetition, the person who is reading it usually tends to notice that specific repetitive word, vowel sound, or even phrase. When an author uses contrast, he or she is giving the readers information about both sides of the subject that the readers are reading about. Using anomalies tends to stray a bit from the main ideas or topics to help the reader better understand what those main points are., Literary devices, are used to help the reader understand the work and make it easier to comprehend. This paper examines the use of comparing and contrasting as a literary device when talking about the similarities of online dating and conventional dating. In the essay “I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight. On the App.” the author Jenna Although uses all four of the major literary devices, contrast stands out the most. …show more content…

Technology is making it easier for two people to see each other nearly face to face while being thousands of miles apart. Although some people religiously believe that online dating is not the best way to “date”, it does serve a few purposes that can be useful. Online dating, although used by many as a primary mean of communication, can be a great way to meet people who live near your location and people who are looking for someone with whom they share interests with. This is where online dating comes into connection with traditional dating. Being said that online dating is a great way to meet people, it can be a mean of creating a connection with someone. This basically means that two people can meet online, but they are able to actually talk face to face and go on dates with each other. This is where online dating is a secondary mean of

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