Once a Peasant, Always a Peasant

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Feudalism was a way in which the different social classes were organized in Europe during the middle ages. (“History Learning Site”). There were four basic classes you could be classified in. The king was considered to be the highest class one could be. Under the king was the barons then the Knights, and the lowest class you could be placed in, were the peasants. Feudalism began with William the first. (Western Reserve Public Media). William I, the conqueror, introduced the Feudal System to England following the invasion and conquest of the country. During the years of the Roman Empire the soldiers protected the poor people. When the Empire fell there was no longer laws to control the land or people, so the people turned to the lords to keep the peace. When the people let the lord’s power over them the lords decided to use the Feudal System, it was a simple and effective way for the king to own and be in control of all the land. Feudalism allowed large territories to be controlled without a government, but it did discourage trade and economic growth. (Feudalism). Most people lived where there was a castle, church, village and surrounding farmland called a manor. Manor’s were very isolated and rarely allowed anyone in. Feudalism allowed a person to advance themselves through military services and Knighthood. The king was the highest ranked citizen in Feudalism, they were in control of all the land and people who lived on that land. (“History Learning Site”) The King of the land decided who he wanted to lease the land to, and they had to promise the King to be loyal to him in order to lease the land. The King only allowed the men he trusted to give land to, he did not want to take the risk of having the land damaged or miss used. Wh... ... middle of paper ... ...land of their own. They couldn’t leave the manor without permission and also couldn’t marry without permission. Some Serfs ran away due to the lack of freedom. If a serf did run away to a different town and stayed there for a year and a day, he would now be a free man. The serfs did have some rights he could not displaced if the manor changed hands. ( Medieval life-Feudalism). Serfs were entitled to the protection of the lord and, could not be required to fight. Feudalism lasted for several centuries it was very successful but wasn’t always fair to the lowest class. The Feudal system worked very well but the people eventually got tired of being mistreated. When people started to communicate outside of the manors, it broke down the isolated manors. When powerful monarchs in France, Spain and England broke down the local organization. (History of Feudalism in Europe).

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