Once Upon A Time: The Three Bricks

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The Three Bricks Story Once Upon a Time, there were three bricks. They all attended a Wizarding School. One was named Joe. he was smart, funny, and the oldest out of the other two... But only by a little bit. The next one Jimmy. He was the second oldest. he was smart and the best at Magic out of the three wizard. Jeff was the youngest out of the three she was the best behaved. it was there last year of ocean school for wizards and witches. The Three Brothers arrived at school and when to their house. ( The houses names are air, fire, water, and Earth.) The Three Brothers belong air. The way your house gets decided is fun what you do is pick out of a cauldron.if you take a bird you’re air, if you pick a worm you’re in Earth, if you take a lizard you’re in fire, and if you pick a fish you’re water. …show more content…

this class all the last year's get to learn curses like Bridge which put you in a time loop.It has 1 cure the charm turtle. the next class is spelled they learned two new spells train and spell. Train wipe the memory But the memory can be restored be spell. the rest of the day they made friends with the first years for the rest of the year they learned more cells than one day and evil wizard name wall kill the 3 brick's mother. so they planned on killing him. it was the last day of school and they said off into the woods to find wall. give me some enchantment show that no one could see them unless they walked out of enchantment. then they set up the campsite and went to find food. Joe found a

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