On War by Clausewitz

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One of the most studied military strategist or theorist is Clausewitz. His work, “On War” has stood the test of time, used widely to analyze and study conflicts in the twenty-first century. “War is a continuation of `policy'—or of `politics'—by other means" (Bassford, pg 199), the most famous Clausewitz quote, often used to justify conflict but to the contrary, most often misapplied during conflict. “On War” is written as if war is an art, however, Clausewitz does offer guidance on tactics and military objectives, which by description, war is a science too. If a science, Clausewitz writing is useful but Douhet airpower theory has more applicability to the twenty-first century fighter—since it speaks to the change of weaponry and technology used to fight wars. For the most part, Douhet does not speak of war being a political tool. His theory is strictly on how to use the airpower for a decisive win and offer no additional points to bringing about the political objectives once the war, fighting is ceased. The Vietnam war is one of America’s great failures, both politically (Clausewitz) and militarily (Douhet). Political leaders and Military leaders failed at applying both theorists properly in the Vietnam war.
The Vietnam war began well before U.S. involvement. Vietnam experienced invasions by European countries and neighboring Asian countries for a century. For the most part they thwarted most attempts; however, Japan, then France took control of the country. Vietnam won partial freedom from France, partial because Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel. Dividing Vietnam temporary stopped the war, but the threat of communism from North Vietnam. America’s leadership wanted the removal of communism from Vietnam in tota...

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...ion to winning a conflict via the military. The Vietnam war offers our 21st century thinkers and strategist the ability apply lesson learned to today’s warfare than that off the cold-war era. In closing I would offer, conflict resolution requires the full use of D.I.M.E; Diplomatic, Informational, Military and Economic. The use of military force should be the last resort is all other forms fail. I say this not because we don’t have the capabilities or the means, but to ensure our leaders utilize as much time as possible to think about the first step before considering the last.

Works Cited

http://www.history.com/topics/operation-rolling-thunder http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/American+Aggression+in+Vietnam http://www.archives.gov/research/military/vietnam-war/casualty-statistics.html#category

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