On The Border

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On The Border, A restaurant with a number of years on its back branching from its founding in 1982 with over one-hundred sixty restaurants. These restaurants are centered in the United States with locations overseas including Puerto Rico, Canada, Korea, Egypt, and even Saudi Arabia. The restaurant is a feature for its selection of fajitas, margaritas, and various styles of Mexican food. This branch was previously owned by Brinker International but recently transferred to Golden Gate Capital as of 2010. Golden Gate Capital, a private equity firm since 2000 has a numerous amounts of small branches including California Pizza Kitchen, Romani’s Macaroni Grill, Pacsun, Talbots, Eddie Bauer, Rocket Dog, Payless, and of course On The Border. Although being privately owned by such a large company, On the Border has had many flaws in its organization, procedures, and recording. This is coming from …show more content…

With this experience as well as other opinions, statistical evidence, and experience in other restaurants I’ve determined On the Border to be lacking in its processes with the industry electronically, In order to criticize and analyze this company, Golden Gates approach to business must be recognized as well as its style of procedures. Golden Gate is able to aggressively pursue investment opportunities within and across our vertical markets to deliver capital for all types of transaction structure, ranging from conventional buyouts to complicated corporate carve-outs, bankruptcy restructurings, refinancing and going private. This meaning, that the company is a very powerful with its investment privileges and takes big leaps and risks to reach certain heights, This along with remodeling bankrupt businesses and carving new corporate layouts means that they aren’t too focused on the little details. They are more focused on big leaps and gains through major

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