Olivia Girl Monologue

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“I cannot wait till I grow up and wear makeup like my friends. “Makeup is going to make all the popular boys and girls like me. If you listen to other kids around you this is what they might say. Teens like you don’t need to where make up to look good because you’re beautiful in your own way. This generation is abscessed with drawing attention to themselves with looks and trying to reach there advantage point with the popularity groups at there schools or other social areas. You don't need to wear makeup to be cool or have certain people look up to you. You should be your self and show them the real you, not some face masked kid who is trying to hide who they really are because in reality some people may not like you and some will it’s just …show more content…

Well that's what is happening to Olivia. Olivia is a 13 years old girl, she's a 8th grader, straight As, but not perfect especially to other people in her class. Which is really sad because no one is perfect everyone has flaws. Like not everyone has flawless skin, hair, or a flawless personality. Olivia has a perfect personality because she isn't letting there words get in her head because she knows that they aren't perfect either. She has people that love her and care for which is pretty much all that matters. Now just imagine being in Olivia's position constantly getting made fun of or laughed at because of your looks. would you changed the way you looked with makeup and accessories or would you just ignore them and realize that they are just jealous of you looks and how you get up in the morning get ready for school without doing anything and still that good. A lot of people are like Olivia, she doesn't care if people see her true beauty because she has the strength to show all the haters out there that they can't take her down. SHOW THE REAL YOU, LET THE HATER'S HATE, BECAUSE YOU ARE

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