Oliver Monologue

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Gretchen texted me. Does Oliver like me? Like as a girl-friend or a girlfriend? Because if we're being completely honest here, the idea of dating my best friend freaks me out! You aren't supposed to date friends, you're supposed to smack him upside the head when he checks out girls who you know aren't good for him, or force him to watch the bachelor with you or-

Oh my god.

Do we act like a couple?

Do I like my best friend?

Do I?

"No!" I yell out loud to force myself to stop thinking about it.

"Margaux no, you are not thinking about your best friend that way, he's your friend not your friend. I mean, it's not like you ever think about how green his eyes are, or how when he focuses his nose crinkles up, and he's really started …show more content…

Oh my god Margaux get a grip he doesn't like you; he probably likes Cara Robins.

Stupid Cara Robins.

Stupid slutty Cara freaking Robins.

I grab the pizza and shove it in my mouth, immediately regretting it. "Holy frick that is so hot, oh my God," I shriek, spitting out the pizza into a napkin while my family looks at me in annoyance. Why are they annoyed I burnt myself? Oh right, this literally happens almost everyday.

"So anyway," I start saying, trying to take the focus off my super serious injury and the blistering pain in the roof of my mouth, "Dad, what's new at the office?"

"Not much. Linda from accounting's pregnant and I had a turkey sandwich for lunch," he says.

"Linda's pregnant again? What is this, her third kid since she's been there? It's like nineteen kids and counting," my mother remarks.

"It's her sixth kid, actually; they're hoping this time they'll get a girl," my father replies, grabbing a second slice.

"I wouldn't want as many children as her. Two is enough, right girls? Did you hear Olivia down the street is pregnant? Her poor mother, a seventeen year old pregnant. It's like if Harper had a baby right now!" My mother says,

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