Old Chivalry In The Modern World

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Old-fashioned chivalry has become extremely scarce in the modern world. Chivalrous, the term itself, is viewed as an ancient term used to describe impossible characters of knights in shining armor that simply are far too good to exist. Chivalry isn't just heroines coming to save the day, it's a code, a code that states that doing the right thing is noble and honorable. Most of the people in the world have lost the effort to make themselves noble and honorable. Most don’t even know what those words mean, most don’t even know what chivalry means.This unavoidable fact is why, while chivalry isn't extinct from our world quite yet, it is only used in the simplest ways. For example, holding the door open and using please and thank you, sometimes not even that. If people in today's world tried to live …show more content…

Although like anything else, chivalry needs to evolve with the rest of the world in order for it to benefit modern culture.
People view chivalry as a hero saving the day or how a man respects a woman or even an extreme display of manners. These aspects of chivalry would be dysfunctional in modern culture and cannot be awaited because these will not transpire. In researching chivalry it is clear to see that most people view chivalry as the relationship between a man and a woman. There are articles titled like “If Men Owe Women Chivalry, What do Women Owe Men?”, “Is Chivalry Necessary During Dating?”, and so on so forth. There is even a page on wikiHow titled “How to Be Chivalrous” where it states that “Chivalry is not only about respecting women. It separates the men from the

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