Okonkwo's Second Wife Essay

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Okonkwo, unlike many other people had 3 wives. Although he is just one single person with the same personality and attitude, every wife he has is different. He also happens to treat them different depending on how they act. No matter how kind and obedient a wife can seem to be, Okonkwo is not a sympathetic person towards any of them. No doubt, the second wife, named Ekwefi was a very open minded person. (39/3) Not always did she follow the exact orders of Okonkwo and did what would please him. Her goal was to always do what she knew was best and would bring the best results. Though she could not always please him, she did what brought the most benefits and help to others. (41/7) SInce Ekwefi always did without a doubt was in her mind Okonkwo mistreated her. On one occasion, the book mentions, “OKonkwo’s second wife had merely cut a few leaves off it (tree) to wrap some food, and she said so.”But that did not seem to be enough of an explanation for …show more content…

Not only did his actions bring harm to others, “he beat her heavily” (29/10) and “Okonkwo’s second wife, Ekwefi, whom he nearly shot” (29/3). His actions also brought consequences to himself. Ojiugo and Ekwefi and her daughter feared him, and he was known in the village to have broken the sacred peace for the first time in many years, leaving many people in shock (31/3). Overall, Okonkwo can be described as an unsympathetic character. Not having any self control over his actions, not being understanding, and not respecting cultural beliefs shows that he does not feel pity or sorrow for his actions nor the harm other people suffer due to what he has done. Although he can treat others differently, and even if it is done for different reasons, Okonkwo has feelings and motivations to do harm and mistreat to make others

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