Offred Argumentative Essay

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They would not let her use the restroom so she went to the restroom in her pants in front of all the girls. She was also forced into telling everyone the people who Gang-raped her “resulting in the abortion that marred her at sixteen years old” (Callaway 53). The Aunts kept them under a strict control by using punishment because that was all that they could do. They were not allowed to be educated. They would first start at the feet if something was done wrong.
The Aunts also made the women watch the punishments of other women. “We had to watch a woman being slowly cut to pieces, her fingers and breasts snipped off with garden shears, and her stomach split open and her intestines pulled out” (Callaway 52). A different beating was done to Moira. Her feet were beaten. Offred described it as, “Her feet did not …show more content…

They could stay with the Commanders because they had feared the outside, or they could be a prostitute because they feared the outside. Many times did women try to escape, but most were caught and punished for their attempt. “Caught between the two important powers, power of the state and power of men, Offred is torn asunder” (Mouda 7). Offred would like to be free, but she fears her punishments if she were to get caught and does not want to risk that chance. Later in the book, she finds out that Moira had succeeded her way into prostitution. “Then I see her. Moira. […] I have to look hard, again, to make sure it’s her” (Atwood 238). She tried hard to get Moira to notice her and when she does, they decide to meet in the washroom without making it obvious to her Commander. As they talk, Moira said the van was coming for her. She said, “Hell no. Government Issue. I guess they thought it was me” (Atwood 242). As always, she the government gave her the choice to go to prostitution at the club or she could go to the colonies. These girls were omnipotent because they had feared there was no way to

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