Relationships In Faulkner's Little Women

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In the story Little Women, the sisters all have to work together when their mother leaves. Mrs. March leaves to meet with the girls’ father after she is told he has become ill. During the weeks Mrs. March is gone it’s a test for the girls’ work ethic, since their mother is not there to tell them to do their work. The March girls start to change after a couple of weeks. First, after a couple of weeks since their mother left, the girls become lazy. They don’t have much motivation to do their work. But, during these weeks, one of the girls, Beth, goes to the Hummels everyday to help take care of their baby, while the baby’s mother is at work. Though, the baby is very sick with scarlet fever and soon dies in Beth’s arms. After the baby dies of scarlet fever, everyone is scared that Beth might have come down with it. Beth becomes very sick and has her sisters, nurse, and doctor watch over her. The sisters don’t tell their mother that Beth is sick because they don’t want to worry her, while she is visiting their father, since he is ill. Second, the March girls notice that Beth is not …show more content…

March leaves to meet with the girls’ father when getting news that the father has become ill, the girls start to become lazy. During the weeks after Mrs. March leaves, the girls’ motivation to do work has gone down, but one of the girls, Beth, goes to the Hummels to help take care of their baby, while the baby’s mother is at work. During the days she helps take care of the Hummel’s baby, the baby is sick with scarlet fever and dies. Beth comes down with scarlet fever soon after and has everyone worried. For a while, Beth does not get any better, and the girls don’t tell their mother that Beth is sick. When the doctor tells the girls to tell their mother Beth is sick because there is a chance she will die, the girls do so. While they wait for their mother to come, Beth suddenly looks better and everybody and everything looks brighter and

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