Lusus Naturae Analysis

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Margaret Atwood’s story Lusus Naturae documents what it is like to be seen as a monster by both your own family and your larger community. Despite the fact that she is person with thoughts and feelings, the Narrator’s family shuns and neglects her where as the rest of the village forms a mob and kills her. The reason as to why this happens is because both the Narrator’s family and village are afraid of what they do not know and are ignorant to the fact that she is a person. The Narrator’s family treats her like a monster by resenting and neglecting her, faking her death, and locking her in her room all day. The Narrator’s family resents her, proof of this is found when the Narrator states “[My mother] came and went as quickly as she could. …show more content…

The narrator explains that one night “I frightened two children in the woods, on purpose: I showed them my pink teeth, my hairy face, my red finger-nails, I mewed at them, and they ran away screaming” (Paragraph 25). That situation shows that people are understandably afraid of her, and she knows it. Another situation unfolds that show that even when the Narrator is trying to be friendly and not trying to frighten anybody that she still scares people. This happens when the Narrator reminisces “I detached myself from the brambles and came softly toward him (a man sleeping after having sex with a woman)… He woke up, he saw my pink teeth, my yellow eyes, he saw my black dress fluttering; he saw me running away. He saw where.” (Paragraph 36). This eventually leads to the Narrator’s death as the man then leads the mob of villagers to the Narrator’s house where they kill her. In conclusion, in Lusus Naturae we see what it is like to be deemed a monster by both your family and community through the eyes of a young girl afflicted with a condition that makes her appearance look monstrous. We see how the Narrator’s family and community treats her because of her family’s shame and the community’s ignorance of her being a human being with feelings. Lusus Naturae allows us to see that it is not wise to judge a book by its cover or a “monster” by its

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