Of Mice And Men George And Lennie's Dream

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In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie sit in a beautiful riverside bank and talk about their dreams and what their goals are after they have enough money saved. Later when the men are working toward their goal and they can almost grab it, Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. George decides it would be for the best if he killed Lennie knowing that Lennie would have been killed anyways. George and Lennie have a dream to own a farm and live off the fat of the land. This motivates George to save money and keep his job, but when Lennie dies, so does the motivation and the dream, which suggests that without dreams or goals people lack motivation and desire to do the right thing. George and Lennie’s dream is so powerful that …show more content…

George knew that without Lennie the dream would not exist, but even with Lennie the dream felt a little too good to be true.“-I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would.”(94). George would tell Lennie for years that they were going to get a few acres of land, a small house, and Lennie could tend to the rabbits. This story would give Lennie hope for a future and because George cared about Lennie so much, he wanted to try and make it a reality. When George and Lennie meet Candy and tell him about their farm, Candy tells the men that he has around $300 saved. After George adds his and Lennie’s pay at the end of the month, George and Lennie can see the farm in their future. With the money and the farm picked out, the dream starts to become more of a reality. This quote shows that George deep down knew that even with money and a job that they would not actually achieve their dream because Lennie always go in trouble.Without Lennie, the dream would not have existed because it was not George’s dream. It was Lennies. However they both needed the dream into order to keep going. The dream was there for Lennie to have hope for the future and the dream was there for George so he could have reason to stay with

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