Occupations During The Nineteenth-Twentieth Century

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Education and skill had caused for certain occupations to become more valued and respected during the nineteenth and twentieth century The importance of skills and education became more valued for occupations. It was mentioned, …the clerical occupations, associated as they are with record taking and efficiency, represent higher skilled services. The advance of civilization is making us, therefore, more dependent on the highly trained, expert, and specialized services” (Ogburn and Tibbitts). We can see that as our civilization became more advanced, our attention was directed towards skilled and trained workers that could accomplish difficult work flawlessly. There was an increase in the importance of workers that were trained and familiar …show more content…

Although there had been a large movement away from agriculture and towards manufacturing, there were still many occupations that workers were involved with. Agriculture and manufacturing may have played the most dominant roles in society but, “…forty per cent of us are occupied along other lines… They are largely trading, transporting, and clerical work. There three groups employ five times as many persons today (1920) as they did forty years ago, while all other occupations have just doubled” (Ogburn and Tibbitts). We can see here that more white collared work had persevered as the importance of agriculture decreased and other occupations prospered. Due to this, work moved away from the fields and towards the rising cities, where people began to work in …show more content…

If jobs only allow a certain number of work hours, people will have more time to increase their culture and obtain to something that technology is incapable of. Art and philosophy can be prosperous once again. Lawrence Katz, a labor economist at Harvard University, finds that the machinery that has been used throughout the past has returned us to an age of art and craftsmanship. He says, “’It’s possible that information technology and robots eliminate traditional jobs and make possible a new artisanal economy…an economy geared around self-expression, where people would do artistic things with their time’” (Thompson). Many people can see society revolving around art, instead of labor. If we limit the amount of hours that employees are allowed to work, society will become more artistic once again, making technology less intimidating, even if they consume obtain jobs. Also, employees will not suffer as much as they do currently, with chances of developing diseases such as breast cancer, or just having an unhealthy body due to work. Education and work hours must be changed in order to prepare our society for the future and limit the problems occurring

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