Obesity is Causing Public Concern in the United States

539 Words2 Pages

In the United States, obesity has been a major public health concern. Obesity is threatening our bodies by making it become weak, and the economy. Natalie Boero, examines why obesity has emerged and how it is an urgent concern. She uses primary sources and in-depth interviews in this book. Her arguments are based on obesity, mass death, and incite panic struggle for social stability. She concludes “war” on obesity is a form of social control. Based on the insights of “Health at Every Size” movement, killer fat alternates framing nation’s obesity problem. Natalie’s book “Killer Fat” she introduced herself and acknowledges that most of her information came from people’s experience. She observes personal struggles that people go through and programs that are willing to allow her to write about the details.

Boero is emotionally speaking mostly upon women. The public policy and media has been spread through and created this obese epidemic. Those who did experience the living era of being obese can understand what it is like to be obese or overweight, and has attempted to lose...

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