Obesity Informative Speech

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What is obesity? According to Wikipedia, "Obesity is a medical condition in which excess fat gets accumulated to an extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, which leads to a reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems." A person is obese when their body weight is at least 20 percent or more above their ideal body weight, based on their height, age, bone structure, build and gender.
How does obesity effect your body?
Obesity impacts your body to a great extent and will decrease the quality of life for people suffering from it. They will suffer from restricted performance of body functions and may increase the risk of health problems like stroke, heart diseases, diabetes and paralysis. Being overweight has always been a health risk and may cause many body parts such as your feet, lungs, knees, hips, liver, breast, colon, kidneys, heart, back and other joints to be at risk due to excessive body weight.
How can you overcome obesity?
So, if you are already obese or bordering on obese, severe action must be taken immediately. What should you do?
-Workout excessively?
-Go on a crash diet?
- Run a few miles everyday? …show more content…

The doctor will be able to help you effectively and will recommend you to bring about a change in your lifestyle as it is very important for keeping healthy. Doctors thoroughly examine what you eat and design diet programs and workout plans accordingly. Majority of the people hate working out, but here exercising does not mean that you turn into a gym monkey or run marathons or stress your body beyond what it can handle, trying to burn more than what you consume will help. If you regulate your eating habits with physical activity , you will be able to get rid of more calories than what you consume,dieting teamed up with regular workout will be helpful,the results will be slow but

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