Nutrients And Environmental Issues: The Problem Of Water Pollution

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Environmental issue are problems that exist because of human made or because of natural disasters, and when those environmental problems happened because of natural disasters, those environmental issues could reduce their bad effect by people but we cannot stop it, however that when human made their own environmental issues those problems could be stopped, controlled, and prevented by people.
Water pollution (environmental issue)
Water is a transparent fluid that forms the world's lakes, ocean, streams, and rains, and considers number one important natural resource that is a major constituent of the fluids of living things. Water is the main natural resources that any living on earth uses on their daily functions and process, …show more content…

We all know that water is a fluid that we need in our daily life, and livings needed to function their body correctly, and when something such as waste, chemicals, natural hazard effect the water to make it consist of a bad combination that make water unable to be use, then this called a water polluted, which means a clean water that was usable for any daily process, then bad activates from natural made or human made interrupted clean water, and polluted to make it unsubtle for any daily life process, and even whom use those polluted water get effected with disease, and some cases toothier …show more content…

Nutrients pollution; it’s when some waste water effect the levels of nutrients and increase it which make the water bodies have more algae and weed and this make those clean water polluted and undrinkable. If the water have too much algae this will use up all the oxygen within the water, and then this will lead for organism to die because starvation of the lack of finding oxygen.
2. Surface water pollution; includes natural water that found on earth surface such as lakes, oceans, rivers, lagoons. The natural surface water get polluted by hazard substance that comes from dissolving or mixed physical and then become from good to be drinker to surface water polluted.
3. Oxygen depleting; are water bodies that have microorganisms, and includes aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Too much of biodegradable matter which are things that easily decay are end up on the water those encourage microorganisms to grow and then use more oxygen in the water which make it depleted and then the aerobic dies and this lead an increase in the anaerobic organisms which will producesharmful toxins such as ammonia and sulfides.
4. Ground water pollution; comes from human activates and thrown their chemicals waste on the ground water which will cause a ground water

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