Nursing Observation Report

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When I volunteered at N.Y.P.Q., I am expected to know each and every type of sign that may be hanging outside of a patient's rooms. If there is a drop sign then that means I must have gloves and a mask on when I enter the patient's room, or a contact sign then that means I must not go near the patient because they may contaminate me with what they have. I have to follow these rules because if I ignore them that there is a chance that I will be seen as an irresponsible volunteer who can't read and follow directions. Even though I know this, there was once an emergency where a nurse was needed. I went to find the nurse in charge of the floor and she was in the room where a patient had an airborne sign on the front of the door. It was an emergency so I put …show more content…

Fe, an RN, was about to start her checkups when a security guard came into the room and notified her that there was a patient in the lobby complaining about chest pains. Fe immediately told the security guard to get him a wheelchair and that she will call 911. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai does not deal with these sort of emergencies. As Fe was calling them, the security guard brought in the 80 year old male patient. He was disoriented and unhygienic. Fe was helping him lay on the bed in the minor surgery room while they wait for the paramedics and at the same time her was resisting. He was using slander words towards Fe and soon Henedia and Maria that had come into the room. He started to use profanities and told them how had consumed about a quart of wine. Fe was worried because this man was drunk and he was starting to get aggravated. The paramedics soon arrived and had taken the patient who was tied up due to the fact that he was starting become resistant. When he left the room was contaminated and me and Maria but on gloves and a mask. We started to disinfect the areas around the bed because the patient was

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