Nursing Leadership Reflection

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For the last 2.5 years, I have been enjoying my nursing practice as a Diabetes Educator for Endocrinology Department in the VA Medical Center proudly helping those who have served us. Subsequently, my current the position required certification to assure thorough and adequate care with provision of knowledgeable resources. Hence, very quickly I realized that a multidisciplinary approach mirroring the concept of a robust coalition has valuable ramification in the health care system while striving for outstanding patient care. With that in mind, first, let me define term coalition, which is described as a partnership or alliance between countries, states or people for a common purpose (Merriam-Webster's, n.d.) and hopefully guided by effective leadership allowing to accomplish their goals. However, one must assert that behind every success there is an …show more content…

Furthermore, personal qualities and values are vital components of the influential leader such as honesty, integrity, and consistency along with the vision of moving forward supported by a resolution of complex issues with the ability to expedite a change in a sensitive way (Adamson, King, Moody, & Waugh, n.d.). As I mentioned before, a cornerstone of practice in the current health care system is the collaboration which can be illustrated by my recent participation in the creation of the inpatient insulin pump policy which would allow diabetic patients to remain on the device and not be placed on an alternative regimen via multiple subcutaneous injections. Consequently, patients' glycemic control is not disrupted or dramatically altered causing a potential risk for hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia not to mention one's frustration. Henceforth, to assure safe implementation of the policy members of the

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