Nuclear Families In The United States

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A family is made up of two or more people who are related by marriage or birth. Most families are made up of a father, a mother and the children. Married couples make up the largest part of U.S. households. This comes to 55.5 million. The second most household is 31 million and consist of people living alone. 2. What is a nuclear family? A nuclear family consists of a married father and mother, and the children. A nuclear family can be biological or adopted. A nuclear family may also include a household with one parent (mother or father) and children. In a nuclear family, also called nuclear household, there could be one or more children related to the parent(s) by birth or by adoption. 3. Describe family trends in the historical context? …show more content…

There were very few big cities. During the first and second world wars the communities are typical in the forms of household with a structure of the nuclear family. This is constituted of parents and children as well as childless couple. The nuclear homes served the economic purpose of members working together on farm and in family businesses. The gown-up children live near their parents thus creating communities of close multigenerational kinships. After second world war, there significant changes to kingships, relationships in communities, and the responsibilities of governments. There was shift to two-parent and one-parent family households. By the dmd-1960s family sizes began to become smaller, which marks and end to the postwar baby boom

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