The Whale Rider Essay Questions

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Question 1: My family that lives with me for the most part of the year is my two parents, mom and dad, and two siblings, one brother and one sister. One-third of the year my dad’s mom lives with us. She goes to Arizona from September to April. While my grandma does not live with us, I would say that we are close to your typical “nuclear” family. A nuclear family is usually two parents and their children, so we fit that when my grandma does not live with us. However, when my grandma does live with us, I would say we stray away from the “nuclear” family because grandparents do not typically live with you. Question 2: One material item that would represent my identity are my softball bat. I have played softball since I was 5, so I have grown up with it. I have met a lot of people through softball. My bat signifies all the years I have played softball, and the love I have for the game. But it also represents all the friendships, and social interactions I have made with people throughout the years. Without playing softball I would not have met some of my friends I have today. …show more content…

In the book, The Whale Rider, they cherish the whale so much that they have a statue of a man on a whale in their city. Also in the movie, The Whale Rider, Koro wears a whale’s tooth around his neck. That shows that whales are a great part of their heritage and about their past realatives. My object I chose to identify me versus the object I chose for New Zealanders do not necessarily go together, but both objects we were raised with. Both of the objects chosen we grew up with, so they became a part of

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