North Country: Lois Jenson Vs. Eveleth Taconite Company

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North Country is a 2005 movie made about the trial of Lois Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Company. A sexual harassment case that happened in 1975 but didn’t go to trial until 1988. (Wikipedia, n.d.) I will explain this paper how this movie affected me, what I learned from it, how it relates to feminist theory and what has changed in the time since that movie. North Country stars Charlize Theron as Josey Aimes who got pregnant in high school and currently has 2 children while working as hairdresser. She is a single mom and lives with her parents, with a father who doesn’t approve of her lifestyle (children out of wedlock) as he shows by accusing of her of being caught cheating as the reason to why she had a black eye. Her father works in the mine as most of the men in the town do. Josey ends up getting a job in the mines after her friend Glory tells her that she is currently working at the mine and making a lot more money. Josey starts working there and is bombarded by sexual harassment of the men working there, especially Bobby Sharpe. The complaints and issues go unnoticed by management as they believe the women are taking away men’s jobs. Josey has enough of the harassment and goes on to file a lawsuit. …show more content…

I think its important to feminism and feminist theory to see this movie. The sexual harassment comes from everyone, even the wives of the men working at the mine assume that that working women of the mines are only there to steal husbands; this relates to feminist theory because we want to act in a way that is anti-oppressive to the choices of women which is not the case here. It also relates to Marxist theory because women wanted the option of going to work unembedded by sexual harassment so they could do their job like everyone else. They want equal pay for equal work and that’s what they were doing. It also relates to liberal feminism as women wanted legislature to protect

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