Norse Mythology: Differences

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Difference of a Heathen from a Pagan..
A Heathen is Someone who is part of The Germanic branch of Indo-European.The original Heathens were the pre-Christian North European peoples who lived a thousands years ago in the lands around what is now called the North Sea. These included the peoples of Anglo-Saxon England, Scandinavia, Germany and Frisia (Friesland). One who does not belong to a widely held religion.Often The word Heathen is used as an insult by Christians against people who don't worship their (GOD). They tend to confuse Atheism, Paganism and Heathenism. Atheism is the lack of a belief in any form of a God. As in which Paganism is an umbrella term for polytheistic ,of non-Abrahamic Faiths. Where as a Heathen's worship the Germanic …show more content…

In Norse Mythology humans were created from a living and organic matter, not deadearth. The soul is made up of many parts, some that are passed down through the generations, all of which come together in a certain place and time to form a unique person. Some parts of the soul pre-exist this life, some parts continue to live on, and some perish upon death. There are nine worlds in Norse Mythology, Midgard which is Earth,"Middle Earth", the home of the Humans. Midgard is connected to Asgard by Bifrost "The Rainbow Bridge". Asgard which is where the Aesir dwell is the first level, Hel which is the realm of the dead , Ālfheimr also known as Ljosalfheim (Ljósálfheimr, "light-elf home"), is one of the Nine Worlds and home of the Light Elves in Norse, which is where the demigods and divinized ancestral spirits dwell, Svartalfheim (meaning Dark Elf Home), similar in that ancestral spirits and demigods dwell here as well but has to do more with emotional than intellectual spirits (this would be the home of dwarves), Vanaheim which is where the Vanir dwell, Jotunheim this is where the giants live, and Muspellsheim is to the south, it is the home of the fire Giants and Demons and Nifelheim is to the north, somewhere in Niflheim under the ground is Helheim home of the dead. the worlds of fire and ice …show more content…

There are no central authorities in Heathenry and no single organisation to which all Heathens belong, though there are national and international organisations created to facilitate networking between Heathens. There is no widely recognised priesthood, although sometimes individuals may be recognised as godhis and gydhjas (priests and priestesses) within their own communities.
Many Heathens belong to small groups made up of Heathen friends and family members. These groups are sometimes called 'hearths' or 'kindreds' and meet for religious rituals in members' homes or in outdoor spaces. Some hearths and kindreds have recognised leaders. Others are entirely egalitarian(of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and

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