Downfall Of American Education System Essay

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America’s Educational Downfall
America’s educational system seems to be at a steady decline as each year school systems argue over the proper way for students to receive a quality education the correct way. With so many differences in opinion about current lecture and testing techniques future generations can only hope for an educational miracle. The underlying question everyone seems to be asking though is how does one provide a quality education for the entirety of America?
Every year a significant percentile of the American population struggle with finding access to a quality education that their finances can maintain. Finnish writer, Anu Partanen, contrast the American School Systems and their lack in accomplishments as compared to the …show more content…

A survey by PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) in the early 2000’s stated that Finland had turned some of the highest test scores in the world. (Partanen 976) Finland completely rivaled other countries with their results and it was not until 2009 when they slipped just slightly to Shanghai, China. (Partanen 976) Although Finland was not number one they still were placed near the very top where as the PISA performance of the United States has been middling at best. (Partanen 977) Despite the image of being the greatest country on earth and having a very competitive nature America does not even come close to Finland’s high educational rankings. Finland takes a more liberal approach to schooling when it comes to schooling. Their way of schooling is beyond the normal image an American would have when picturing the way a school operates. For example, Finland assigns less homework, does not offer expensive or reduced lunch but rather free lunch, and last but not least Finland forbids their school systems from charging tuition fees. Also a major difference is there are no private schools, so most all Finnish people attend a public school, regardless of if it is …show more content…

It was a wise technique on her behalf as she reminds Americans that down time and education go hand in hand. She states that a break or recess is equally as important due to the fact it refreshes students thinking skills whereas a structured lesson plan can only go so far. Lectures are necessary but she explains they can only go so far in making a child want to learn and become more creative thinkers beyond what the syllabus requires of

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