Nonverbal Communication In The Dental Office

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Having excellent communication is one of the key factors to being successful in any business or professional organization, more than ever in a dental office. There are many forms of communication such as, verbal, non-verbal, written, electronic, and is the most important factor during the hiring process. It is also important to understand human behavior, factors like emotions, culture, and attitudes. “Abraham Malsow is the founder of social learning psychology. He believed that humans cannot live without needs.” (Bird) The most important type of communication is verbal; it is made of the words and phrases we use and is perceived by hearing. This is the most commonly used type of communication, no matter if you are speaking to a patient or …show more content…

It is important to devote your full attention to the person speaking to you, in particular, a patient. It is important to have good body language, such as nodding your head in a positive manner, and using facial expressions to reflect your interest in the conversation. Smiling and making eye contact will let the person know your full attention is devoted to them. When speaking with colleagues, it is important to be open-minded, appreciative, and use team work. These are some of the key factors in making the dental office a stress-free and successful work …show more content…

This is one of the most important devices in the dental office because most patients will make their appointment over the phone; this is where the first impression comes into place. It is important that you apply the same manners and courtesy over the phone, as you would face to face. Your voice should convey a positive attitude, speaking clearly, at a good tone and pace. You should also take notes such as, the name of who calls, and those who need a further action. Leaving messages such as voicemails, emails and text messages, are the same concept. Although when a message is written, it is important to write respectfully, to be concise, professional, and using the proper grammar and

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