Nonverbal Communication And Non Verbal Communication

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Communication is key. The study of communication is far more complex and deeper than just the function of conversation. Communication takes many forms varying from spoken and written words, to the commonly overlooked nonverbal cues. In life, every person will communicate differently. Effective leaders, however, must learn to perfect these different forms of communication and be able to apply them in the appropriate situations. The success of a leader is reliant on their ability to communicate as a whole. The intent and concentration of this paper is to show how the importance of nonverbal communication affects the credibility and success of a leader.
Of all communication, nonverbal is the utmost important. In order to comprehend how the use of nonverbal communication affects the success of a leader it is first vital to recognize what nonverbal communication actually is. Nonverbal communication does not concentrate on words themselves, but rather the physical expression of a message. It is imperative to recognize that nonverbal communication can significantly influence the focus of a message (Knapp, Hall and Horgan). Nonverbal cues are always powerful indicators of what the communicator means and feels. These cues include; eye contact, gesticulations, posture, paralanguage, and overall facial expression. However, that is only the tip of the iceberg. In reality, nonverbal communication also incorporates spatial relationships, artifacts, and appearances. Also, environmental elements, such as seating, arrangement and setting have a large effect on leadership and credibility.
Environmental components can greatly influence the outcome of communication. For this reason, clever leaders take careful consideration when it comes to office l...

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...hers? Nonverbal leadership and credibility wouldn’t properly be acknowledged and no true master would be defined.
Conclusively, much of everyday communication with others takes place nonverbally. Large portions of them are unconscious, and understanding this is the key to leadership today. With a deeper understanding of nonverbal communication and how to properly apply these learned functions, leaders arise. With numerous decisions to be made, and various inputs to evaluate, the pace of leadership has surely accelerated in today’s world. The intellectual and physical demands of leaders have been exaggerated and intensified. Utilizing all of the nonverbal components as a whole is the key to distinguishing a leader from the common individual. Nonverbal communication is a powerful tool when it comes to establishing, building and maintaining credibility and leadership.

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