Noah's Flood Research Paper

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In the Bible, the account of Noah’s flood is somewhat similar to the one presented in Greek and Roman mythology; they both deal with the process of a deity’s desire to cleanse the earth of its extensive wickedness and evil, and both beings chose a world-wide catastrophic flood to fulfill it. Despite the similarities, the two depictions of this global cleansing also have their differences, varying from the reactions from the deities, the human continuation, and the extent of the floods themselves. Common details are, of course, the process of the flood itself as the method of extinction, as well as the justification’s being wickedness within humanity, but both deities have unique sentiments towards humanity itself. In Noah’s flood, God is …show more content…

In contrast, God notified Noah to create an ark to harbor him, his wife, his three sons, and their wives, along with two of every animal, male and female, and seven of each “clean” animal, which were fit for sacrifice. This lead to eight human survivors in total, whereas in Zeus’s flood, only two people survived while floating in a chest: one man and one woman. The account of Zeus’s flood also does not mention how animals returned to earth, except for the existence of a small safe haven on the peak of Mt. Parnassus. This leads to critical differences between the two floods themselves. Only in Zeus’s flood is there a place to seek refuge on earth; in the Bible’s flood, every mountain top was covered in water, only allowing the survival of God’s singular chosen family. Also mentionable is the cooperation between brothers Zeus and Poseidon, god of the sea, in mythology, where in the Bible’s account, God works alone as the sole deity. The lengths of the floods vary, too, with Zeus’s lasting a mere nine days in comparison to the Bible’s forty days of rain and nearly one year of waiting until the earth

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