New Testament Book Of Acts Essay

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Responsibility of elders, pastors or overseers
According to the Holy Bible in Acts 20:17,28 the terms elders, pastors or overseers all refer to a single office. Therefore, in this paper I will be using the single term pastor. In the discussion of 21st century ideology vs biblical thought I am choosing the New Testament book of Acts. I will be discussing what this historical book says about the first century church and how does my church Bethel Gospel Tabernacle function in comparison. Is my church living up to the ideals of the first century church as laid out in the Book of Acts?
The Acts of the Apostles (Ancient Greek: Praxeis), often referred to as Acts, is the fifth book of the New Testament; it tells of the founding of the Christian church …show more content…

Scottish New Testament archaeology scholar William M. Ramsay did pioneer work that bore on the accuracy of Luke’s narratives. Among the more useful of his voluminous works is The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament. Subsequently, A.T. Robertson made an important contribution with his work, Luke the Historian in the Light of Historical Research. In 1981, Jack Finegan published the second volume of his The Archeology of the New Testament, which bears particularly on the narrative of Acts. A multitude of excavations and explorations has now been conducted at places mentioned in the book of Acts. Besides being accurate in detail, Luke gives a remarkably vivid account of many phases of first-century life in the Mediterranean world, for example, the philosophical inquisitiveness of the Athenians (Acts 17:17-18) and the commercial monopoly of the silversmiths at the temple of Artemis in Ephesus (19:24-34). His picture of modes of travel of the day is far clearer than that set forth in the Odyssey. Whether on land by foot or horse (23:24,32) or chariot (8:27-38), or on sea by coastal freighter (21:1-3;27:1-5), Luke’s account is filled with local color. The story of the wreck of Paul’s ship is the most exciting and dramatic narrative of sea adventure in ancient literature (Acts

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