New Technology During World War 1

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New Technology in Weaponry

In the early 20th century, the world never had a “Great War”. Wars always involved a few countries or areas, but, never had the whole world participate1. Before World War One, militaries traveled by foot or upon horses. They had to recoil or reload their guns before firing. Also, they had to reload the heavy cannons with massive cannonballs. They never had the luxury of air travel, machine guns, or even artillery shells like we have today.

Before World War One, there were not as many “big and bad” weapons as there were after the war. Over the years, wars and weaponry revolutionized. Before airplanes, militaries got around by foot. Dreadfully marching from place to place to get where they needed to go. Most of the time this would not be greatest for the soldiers. Lugging their belongings and weapons, men could easily be injured from carrying around too much. The ones that were either injured or sick would not have time to rest and recover. At least, by train, armies would be able to haul …show more content…

Prior to the First World War, militaries would stand in multiple consecutive straight lines and march toward the opposing side. While they were marching, they would fire their guns at the other side. In the Revolutionary War, the soldiers would have to reload their muskets which could take up to several minutes. The first row would fire their one shot, then the second row would go in front of them while they were reloading their musket1 2. This would continue until “they saw the white’s of the enemies eyes”2. In time, they would eventually move to trench warfare1. Trenches were dug for an army to fire at another army that is in an opposing trench. Not as many soldiers were killed or wounded since they have the trench4. However, these trenches were disease filled. People died from illnesses, disease and infection. In fact more, people died from infection than the actual war

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