New Orleans Police Violation

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The New Orleans Police Officers involved in the Danziger Bridge incident violated the law for many reasons that today. According to some police reports when a group of officers arrive that day at the bridge they were informed before arrival that police were being fired upon and two officers were down, this information was the beginning of the cover up (Bohm, Haley, 2014). There were reasons why these reports were falsified and it was mostly because these officers were afraid of what could happen if the truth come out. Even though we are well aware that police officers face different stressors on a daily basis, does not give them good premises for violating the law they are supposed to uphold. In fact Police Officers are supposed to be trained …show more content…

This case took place right after a major disaster that came through New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina. The Police Department was in a state of chaos, and during this time the Police Officers were desperately trying to take back their city (Bohm, Haley, 2014). Even though this could be used as a reason as to why the New Orleans Police did what they did at that time it does not excuse it. It had not been long since this disaster struck and any effective antipolice corruption strategies that could have been used are usually a long term reform, and these strategies should take into account the society the police serves (Gutierrez-Garcia, Rodriguez, 2016), and at that time the society in which the New Orleans Police Department serves was in an uproar.

There are always ways to prevent the police corruption, some departments have anti corruption training or moral training yearly to help prevent this. …show more content…

In the roles of the juries the inquisitorial systems have a lay judge while the adversarial have the jury trials (Bohm, Haley, 2014). While in the subject of the rules of the evidence the adversarial system has strict rules while the inquisitional system is less restrictive than the adversarial (Bohm, Haley, 2014). As a judge in the adversarial court system they have to wait for the evidence to be presented to them, while the other the judge is already aware of the evidence that is going to be presented in the case because they are part of the investigation. During an adversarial trial each side is given alternating times to present their evidence so it is fair and they are both allowed a first and last word in the court room (Spottswood, 2016). As far as victims are concerned there are certain countries that actually allow them to become involved in the interviews that take place and they are able to suggest lines when questioning the defendant, while during adversarial a lot of times the victims have no place in the proceedings (Bohm, Haley, 2014). It is important to remember both systems have their pros and cons but regarding the role of the juries, rules of evidence and roles of victims the adversarial system has more to do with these subjects than the

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