New Madrid Earthquake Case Study

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The New Madrid Fault Earthquake
The New Madrid Earthquake is referred to the area that exposed to the robust earthquakes in the United States of America. The area is located in Southeastern Missouri, Northeastern Arkansas, Western Tennessee, Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois, which is the most active seismic in the USA east of the Rocky Mountains. Historically, in 1811-1812, the New Madrid seismic zone suffered a sequence of earthquakes that included three very large earthquakes estimated to be between magnitude 7 and 8, which led to destroy most of the buildings. Therefore, the man-mad infrastructures were a main cause of injuries and deaths among population (United States Geological Survey, 2016).
The professor asked every group to design SMART objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, …show more content…

The department of transportation will offer assistance to provide emergency evacuation routes to 85% of the population by December 1st, 2017.
There are no changes after discussing the objectives with class.

For achieving the third objective “to improve emergency response”, the group planned to design three SMART objectives as following:
1. By June 1st, 2017, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will train 85% of emergency workers in communication pertaining to emergency response.
2. By June 1st, 2017, 80% of the general population will be assessed by hospital administration in association with local Health Department for an emergency triage system.
3. By June 1st, 2017, 85% of emergency workers (police, fire, hazmat) will have completed multitasking training in fire fighting, police workers, and dealing with hazard materials.
Changes: the professor's comment was about the second goal, which is not appropriate with a strategic plan but it is more appropriate with an action plan.

After discussion of the three objectives, the entire class rated the top three important goals are as following:
For the first objective the top three important goals

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