Neuromancer: Garson Bare's The Electric Anth

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I view the “The Electric Ant” about a story about a confidence and successful man driven to commit suicide. We do not know that much about Garson Poole’s past excerpt that he was the successful owner of Tri-Plan Electronics with employees who respected him. With great success, come great confidence in oneself so when Poole found out he is an electric ant, he begins to lose his confidence as he considers a freak and a mechanical slave. Poole realizes that he is simply a figurehead for the real owners of Tri-Plan Electronic, Marvis Bey and Ernan Bey. Poole messes with his reality and collapses as his tape get jammed. After Poole is fixed, he cuts his tape and commit suicide in the end of the story to escape his reality. In “Neuromancer”, Case’s

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