Negative Effects Of Educational Neglect

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“Did you finish your homework, let me see it?”, this may be one of the most influential questions a parent can ask their children. Typically viewed as a frustrating annoyance at a young age, this question has haunted millions of children every year hoping to slide one over on their parents. As educations remains stagnant in the U.S, their has been a shift of a focus from what the schools have been doing wrong, and more of a focus on the influence a parent has on their child’s education. This is a reflection on the negative effects of a parent not being academically involved as well as a parent pushing a child too hard during their youth years. It also displays the positive effects contributed by parent’s who are both stern and supportive …show more content…

From the more extreme situations of parent 's not enrolling their child into school, to the more common everyday situations of a parent not enforcing attendance or not partaking in any curricular activities, they essentially portray the idea that school is not important or necessary to succeed. A young child’s mind is like a sponge, absorbing everything they see. Their first teachers are not that of kindergarten teachers, but the parents, where children will begin to develop what kind of person they will become within the first few years of their lives. This is the crucial point in a child’s life where is if the parents are not mentally constructive with their child, it will only result in weaker mental growth. This in turn will affect the child for the rest of their life. Instilling the importance of education is crucial at a young age, as a young mind grows and develops, so will the core beliefs. Be that it may not be the case for every child, if he or she has not had the importance of an education instilled upon them via parent’s, they are far less likely to succeed academically as well as economically though out their lives. It is a well know fact that the higher the level of education one has, the greater the pay they can come to expect. With the average income of a high school dropout being just over $23,000 a year, whereas a typical bachelor degree holder makes on average $55,000 a year and only increases with the level of education. A decrease in education is typically tied with an increased likelihood of crime

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