Negative Effects Of Alcohol

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The Negative Effects of Alcohol on the Body Alcohol is a way for humans to escape their reality. Though that sounds fun and exciting, it can be very dangerous. Alcohol is a very common drug that is used by teenagers and adults. Alcohol can affect our brain, heart, pancreas, immune system, cancer risk, and much more (“Alcohol’s Effect on the Body”). Alcohol is contained by people to usually have a good time, but some people can abuse the use of alcohol and become addicted. At first, alcohol often makes people feel relaxed and happy. Later, it can cause drowsiness or confusion ("Alcohol Use and Older Adults”). Alcohol can also be used as an anti-depressant. The consuming of alcohol if not of age can cause people who are younger than 21 to …show more content…

It is illegal to buy or possess alcohol if you are under the age of 21. “One drink can make you fail a breath test. In some States, people under age 21 can lose their driver 's license, be subject to a heavy fine, or have their car permanently taken away” (“What is Moderation?”). Teenagers brains are still developing causing alcohol to be even more dangerous when they consume it. Being under 21 and drinking you should always be aware of the risk you are taking. “People who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin after age 20” (“What is Moderation?”). Drinking under the age is very risky. When underage you are better off to not even be associated with alcohol. Being around alcohol and not drinking is still very dangerous and should be avoided. “If you 're around people who are drinking, you have an increased risk of being seriously injured, involved in car crashes, or affected by violence” (“What is Moderation?”). When you are under the age of 21 and you are drinking you should know the health factors that come along with drinking. Most people under the age of 21 are even more unaware of what they are actually doing to their bodies. Drinking at a young age could affect you for the rest of your life. You shouldn’t start drinking until you …show more content…

People who drink know that the next morning when they wake up they are going to have a hangover and just accept it. You feel awful your head is killing you and you have this obnoxious urge to throw up. Not many people know what a hanger actually is. “It takes the body one hour to metabolize one drink and process it through your body” ("There 's A Scientific Reason Why). The more you drink the worse you are going to feel the next day. Your body can only break down a certain amount of alcohol. Once you drink past that limit and become drunk you are going to have a hangover. What actually causes a hangover” is the toxic chemical acetaldehyde flushes into our blood stream, basically poisoning our systems” ("There 's A Scientific Reason Why). Hangovers do not feel well for a reason, therefore they are not healthy to have all the time. Having a hangover makes you not want to do your everyday life responsibilities due to the fact of you feeling completely horrible. Having a hangover means you are dehydrated and nauseas, which are not

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