Nayab Interview Essay

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I interviewed my good friend Nayab at the Undergraduate Student Government Office, here at Hunter College. Nayab suffers from hypothyroidism. It should be noted that I have a mild case myself, so I am very familiar with her complaints and experiences. She felt comfortable being interviewed with two of our friends in the room, but I was worried it would influence her responses to my questions, making the atmosphere less personal and intimate. Despite my apprehension, she answered rather openly and did not seem uncomfortable at any point. Because we were in a public area, we had a couple interruptions, such as having to change rooms and being asked questions about other student’s whereabouts, but once again this did not seem to affect Nayab very much.
Nayab’s story can be traced back to a young age. She is the oldest of four children. Her parents are immigrants from Pakistan, but she was born here in New York. Her family dynamic is one of a loving, close mother and more emotionally distant, but concerned father. This dynamic is due to cultural expectations of men and women in Pakistan. Fathers are generally not part of emotional conversations or events.They want to make sure their family is healthy and safe, but leave the emotional support to the mother. As her parents care for her, she is expected to care for her younger siblings. …show more content…

Her tiredness made her dull and absent, yet she is a vibrant and energetic person. Her friends were troubled to see her acting as such. Once nearly every aspect of her life was affected by her need to sleep, she realized something may be wrong. “According to the charter of the World Health Organization, health refers not merely to the absence of disease, but to a state of physical, social, and psychological well-being” (Brown 2010). Although at this time she did not think her tiredness was a sign of illness, she did feel that it was negatively impacting her life and thus her

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