Natural Vs Processed Sugar Research Paper

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Natural vs. Processed Sugar
Have you ever thought that all sugars are the same? If so, you would be wrong. Did you know that not all sugars come from the same place; some sugars come from fruit whereas others are manufactured. Contrary to people beliefs, natural and artificial sugars both have glucose and fructose. While others still argue that artificial and natural sugars are the same, artificial sugars can cause the body to go on sugar lows and sugar highs and can have more calories than natural sugars. Natural sugars are better for the body; they can have a positive effect on your blood sugar and overall health.
What are natural and processed sugars? Natural sugars are found in fruit known as fructose and in dairy products, such as milk and cheese, as lactose. Natural sugar is packaged with fiber, water, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytonutrients and other nutrients that improve your health. Artificial sugar comes from sugarcane or sugar beets. Both of these …show more content…

First, refined sugar causes you to experience energy highs and lows and sugar cravings that natural sugar doesn’t. Added sugars come in many forms, and some are labeled “natural” to be more appealing to consumers. Manufacturers add chemically produced sugar, typically high fructose corn syrup, to many foods and drinks. The nutrition twin firmily state, “Sugary foods don’t provide the body any of the nutrients it needs to feel good and to sustain energy; natural sugar provides a longer source of energy without crashes.” Secondly, fruits are not just fructose in different shapes. They contain a pile of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. Whereas your typical table sugar doesn’t. Rachel Elzinga from Oregon State University expresses that, “the more processed a food is the less nutritious it will be.” Lastly, the main difference between natural and processed sugars is how each one delivers glucose and

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