Native American Settlers Vs White Settlers Essay

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During the colonization of Native Americans white settlers brutally murdered the Natives. Native Americans had to deal with “new kinds of diseases, the accumulation of fire- arms and horses for European- like warfare, and confrontation with permanent European settlements” (124). White settlers wiped out the Natives to avoid rivalries and alliances. It was feared that Native Americans would join settlers, traders, and other diverse groups of European invaders. The white settlers claimed they feared wars and tried to assimilate the Natives. Some methods used by the White Settlers to assimilate the Natives was forcing Christianity and taken away the Natives culture. Natives who were unwilling to assimilate were given no choice but to leave. The …show more content…

The white settlers justified their actions by implementing fear in others. The settlers wanted to assimilate each group to defend their own by stripping away the culture and religion. Then when Native Americans and Hispanic Americans tried to fight back the white settlers exclaimed that they were amoral savages who need to be executed. They were two common myths based on the reasoning of why they need to defend themselves. The first is that Native Americans were either naïve victims if wealthy hungry invaders or amoral savages bent on the murder of innocents. The second was that Native Americans were the savages and white settlers were trying to defend themselves however, “certainly native Americans were no more savage then the Europeans who wiped out whole villages, devised multiple tortures, trained dogs to eat fugitives and enslaved conquered people” (124). Hispanic Americans has similar myths based on the belief that both needed to defend themselves. White settlers justified their actions of enslaving the Hispanic Americans by using territory and property as a way to get what they wanted. Hispanic Americans were used as a source of cheap labor and those who did not agree were exterminated. Just like when the Native Americans fought back, Hispanic Americans too were referred to as

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