Narrative Perspective Of The Short Story 'Lost Keys' By Paul Milenski

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The narrative perspective of the short story “Lost Keys”, by Paul Milenski, is first person. The narrator is a guy named Ron and he goes fishing with an old man. By having the story told from Ron’s perspective, the reader learns that the old man is changed from being organized and very independent, to forgetful and clumsy. This can be seen when Ron says, “After his retirement, he slowed down a little. One time he fell on a slippery rock and broke his glasses. Another time, he got caught in the middle of the stream.” This shows how that as the old man got older, he became clumsier. The reader can also tell that the old man has changed because at the beginning of the story Ron tells us that the old man would leave the keys with him, but after the old man …show more content…

The reader could also tell that the old man became more forgetful when he is talking about losing the keys to the truck. He says he cannot find the keys and he has looked all over for them, but he was sitting on them while he was sitting against the wheel hub. The old man also includes that he did not remember taking the keys out of the ignition. If the narrative perspective was changed from being first person from Ron’s point of view, to being from the old man’s point of view, the reader would understand other things. The old man might say something like “I wish things could be the way they were before I retired. I have been having a difficult time getting used to the changes that come with my aging. I cannot believe I lost those keys, I have searched everywhere. I cannot believe my mind is going like this. I do not want to be this dependent on other people. I do not want to leave this stream because this could be the last time I am able to go out and fish.” The old man could say something like this because he is disappointed that he was becoming more dependent on other

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