Narrative Essay On 9/11

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I was ending my call with Emily, as we were arriving at the airport. Emily and Noah were about to board their plane in Seattle. I grabbed my backpack and suitcase “Annie, I hope you are ready to go and have put your things in the car,” yelled mom from downstairs. I was going to my visit my grandparents in Santa Monica, by myself.
“Yep, I’m ready,” I yelled back. I am so excited to be flying by myself, now that I am 13. I am meeting my two cousins Emily and Noah at the airport in Los Angeles. They’re both 13 too. I looked at my room one last time and grabbed my phone, still lying on my bed. I rushed down the stairs and out the garage door to find my mom's silver Honda already running in the driveway. I put my things in the trunk and quickly …show more content…

My mom walked to security with me to make sure I was okay and to say our goodbyes. I was about to leave security when I heard an announcement about my flight to L.A.
“Flight number 3606 is delayed to Los Angeles, California. Passengers will have to wait until we announce something relating to this flight. There are harsh winds in the Los Angeles area, so we will not let the plane fly, thank you!”
I began to worry, I had never been anywhere with lots of people, without my parents. I walked quickly to my gate, where I found other people who were also going to L.A., very unhappy. I took an empty seat in the corner so I could call home.
“Hi Mom, my flight got delayed. I don’t know how long I will be …show more content…

Once I got back, I ate my cake pop, drank my iced coffee and read the magazine talking about the show I like. When I had finished reading my magazine, I called my grandparents to tell them that my flight was delayed and it would be a while until I would land. They said that Emily and Noah’s flight has not landed yet so I shouldn’t be worried about being late.
An hour later, the flight attendant came on the loudspeaker to make an announcement.
“Flight number 3606, flying to Los Angeles will start boarding in 3 minutes. I repeat, flight number 3606, flying to Los Angeles, California will start boarding in 3 minutes, thank you!” I had a sigh of relief, I wanted to get to Los Angeles as soon as possible. Before they started to board, I took out my phone to call my grandparents.
“Hi Nana, my flight is about to board.” I said, looking at the people who were starting to line up to board the plane.
“Okay Annie, see you then,” she said. I grabbed my suitcase, backpack and plane ticket rushing to get a good spot in line.
“Hello miss, how are you?” the flight attendant said as she was scanning my ticket when it was finally my

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