Narrative Essay About Thanksgiving

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Every year I look forward to Thanksgiving. For myself this is a magical holiday where you may eat whatever you want and no one is counting calories. At this time of the year there is always a big gathering at my cousin’s house. My family is also the type that does not hold back on cooking delicious items. Everyone usually brings a dish which ensures plenty of variety. Once the weather starts changing and the hues of the leaves turn to a nice orange my body knows this wonderful holiday is coming. During this week it becomes pretty busy and hectic where I work because Thanksgiving is known for food and an abundance of it. Most people are either going to a gathering unless they go out to eat. As the day before Thanksgiving approaches is when I truly get excited. As the conveyor belt at Publix rolls on tons of talk about food conspires. Not only does this make me hungry and jealous at work but I get the excitement of what is to come at my family gathering. Many …show more content…

When this time comes I’m pretty much stuffed but I continue to still gaze at all the amazing things I’m going to consume. We say grace and the fun begins when we grab our plates. My plate usually consist of the traditional stuff. I consider traditional as turkey, sausage stuffing, mash potatoes and gravy of course. In fact my plate is slathered up in gravy. Who can resist? Once hours have passed myself and everyone has enjoyed the meal things start to slow down. Usually everyone helps with the dishes or sits in a nice comfortable chair. By doing this it allows everyone to get a little digestion in before the final finale. The coffee smell is also a euphoric sent to me because it just compliments the meal and the mood so well. After an hour of two comes my favorite time which is dessert. Since I’m confident about my baking I always just wait till everyone tries

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